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Leatherhead Laser Works

HANUKKAH Die Hard Advent Calendar - Yippee Oy Vey - Hans Gruber Falling off Nakatomi Plaza - NATURAL color with Multi-Color Hans

HANUKKAH Die Hard Advent Calendar - Yippee Oy Vey - Hans Gruber Falling off Nakatomi Plaza - NATURAL color with Multi-Color Hans

Regular price $75.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 USD
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Die Hard is 100% a cult-classic holiday movie. Some claim it's "a Christmas movie" but to them I say - did you NOT hear John McClane famously yell "Yippee Oy-Vey MF-er"?! I know I did. Die Hard is in FACT a HANUKKAH MOVIE. For the ages. Just like, not, "all ages".

Yes, Die Hard may take place on Christmas Eve, but fun fact - Christmas Eve 1988 was ALSO the first night of Hanukkah! Coincidence!? I think not!!

So dear friends, by popular demand we have created the perfect pairing for your Menorah during Hanukkah. Just please be careful with this around flames, it is made out of (sustainable) wood after all! Join thousands of the chosen people who know, what's what, in counting down the days of Hanukkah with Hans Gruber ever so gently floating down the side of Nakatomi Plaza.

You can choose to have it made with or without the integrated menorah on top.
You can choose to have it made with or without the full Yippee Oy-Vey MF-er quote!
Choosing our PG-13 (no cursing option) for a very safe “Yippee Oy-Vey” quote and not include the second line with "MF-er" on it

I make these using only sustainably sourced wood which can be easily broken down after the holidays and stored flat. Our dear Hans Gruber is held on magnetically and slides up and down a magnetic strip and is detachable - thus, keep the party going all year round using him as a fridge maget.

The red flames attach to the Menorah via magnets as well! You can add one flame each day as Hanukkah progresses and you slide Hans closer and closer to his doom (just like the Roman legion the Maccabean rebellion wiped out).

Wishing you & yours a happy holiday from my little shop here in Maryland!

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